In the oil and gas complex, equipment is classified as rotating and static.
During dynamic state monitoring, the PRANA prognostics system continuously monitors technical conditions of rotating machines at production sites where there are fire and explosion hazards and provides a forecast of its condition, and reliable and safe operation.
The PRANA prognostic system identifies in advance the following types of defect and deviation of rotating equipment:
Failures of components (machines):
- bearing units (lack of lubrication, slanting, loosening, outer ring damage, inner ring damage, rolling element damage, separator damage);
- joints (shaft misalignment, coupling damage, gear damage, disturbance of fixing to foundation and connected structures, damage of end seals);
- rotors (imbalance, runout, impeller defects, shaft shear, axial displacement);
- piston compressors (valves, crank-rod group, main bearings, cylinder and piston group, condensate ingress).
Failures of different physical nature:
- hydrogasdynamic (cavitation, hydraulic hammer, air ingress, surge/pre-surge state);
- electrical (overcurrent, phase shift, stator damage, rotor defects);
- thermal (overheating, irregular heating).
For static equipment, the PRANA prognostics system continuously monitors the condition of equipment at hazardous production sites, such as:
- pressure vessels;
- heat exchangers;
- coke chambers;
- reactors;
- pipelines;
- spherical tanks;
- vertical steel tanks.
Monitoring is based on acoustic emissions, pressure, temperature, vibration, and stress-strain state. Static equipment monitoring is aimed at determining the most hazardous defects, such as: fatigue cracks, sulfide stress cracking, metal lamination, sources of active corrosion, leaks. Operational monitoring enables identification of the function of process influence on defect formation. This enables occurrence of an emergency to be prevented.