PRANA System Modules

PRANA System Modules
The temperature in the hot zone of an energy gas turbine exceeds 1200 degrees Celsius. One of the most difficult tasks – monitoring of the state of the internal surface of the combustion chamber and other components of the hot tract – has been considered unsolvable for a long time. The assessment of their condition was carried out only during the planned repair of the turbine by instrumental and visual control.
15 Nikoloyamskaya St., Moscow, 109240, Russia
+7 (495) 644-34-60
27 August 2021

The temperature in the hot zone of an energy gas turbine exceeds 1200 degrees Celsius. One of the most difficult tasks – monitoring of the state of the internal surface of the combustion chamber and other components of the hot tract – has been considered unsolvable for a long time. The assessment of their condition was carried out only during the planned repair of the turbine by instrumental and visual control.

A unique development of the ROTEC research team is the dynamic control of the position of the thermal field and the use of machine learning mechanisms.

As a result of many months of observations of a whole fleet of gas turbines from various manufacturers, the regularities of the position of the thermal field calculated from the temperatures recorded by two dozen sensors on the exhaust were shown. It became possible to detect the beginning of the destruction of parts of the combustion chamber a few weeks before the onset of consequences that require an emergency shutdown of the turbine.

Based on the data obtained, the modules of the PRANA software and hardware complex "Control of the position of the epicenter of the thermal field of the gas turbine exhaust" and "3D visualization of temperature fields" were developed at ROTEC, registered with the Federal Service for Intellectual Property and two patents were obtained "Method and system for assessing the technical condition of gas turbine units by temperature fields" and "Method for assessing the position of the epicenter of the thermal field of the exhaust of a gas turbine installation".

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© PRANA: Predictive Analytics and Remote Monitoring System, 2024

15 Nikoloyamskaya St., Moscow,
109240, Russia